ROBOX clients continuously realize reduced maintenance costs and achieve higher efficiency with their installations. Moreover, they also get an extraordinary solution with our innovative heat exchanger technology. Challenging design requirements and process conditions or a short delivery time will never stand in the way of a personalized solution. Whatever your engineering challenge, the specialized team at ROBOX is ready for you.
Step into the future of engineering and contact ROBOX at +31 (0)485 45 48 88.

Heat exchangers by themselves aren’t new or innovative. But enriching them by creatively applying challenging, yet practical technologies is! That is where our strength truly lies. Where others can’t or won’t push the limits, ROBOX is sure of its ability to elevate heat transfer technology to the next level. Innovation requires knowledge, compassion and vision. At ROBOX you’ll find all three.

From engineering to manufacturing and testing, at ROBOX all disciplines are present at the highest level. We thoroughly engineer a suitable, tailored solution. Agreed upon conditions and absolute delivery reliability make ROBOX your undisputed partner in heat technology. Exactly what your project needs to succeed. If you would like to know more, please send an e-mail to or call us directly at +31 (0)485 45 48 88.

Early involvement of our specialists at ROBOX makes your end result most efficient. Through them you gain new insights, which result in an improved solution to your challenges. Expect results such as: reduction of resources used, time or energy saved and a decrease in overall costs.
solution, together.”
Project Manager PID at
Koole Tankstorage Botlek BV

for your questions