Industry & Compression
Whether it’s about the Oil & Gas, Chemical & Pharma, Food or Industry & Compression markets, our engineers at ROBOX are specialized in every market. Every market has its own specific wishes, because of our expertise we can anticipate and always deliver a customized solution. So whenever a question arises, ROBOX has an answer!

Our solutions for the compression and general industry are smart and efficient. Key is to be flexible in design and production, allowing for economical solutions and short lead times. You will get the best result and the same high level of quality expected from ROBOX.

ROBOX constructs and delivers solutions tailored to packagers and skid builders around the world. These projects range from compressed air coolers or high-pressure hydrogen coolers for hydrogen filling stations to crystallizer water coolers for water treatment plants. The requirements for these projects are diverse, but through our experience in different markets, ROBOX has the knowledge and flexibility required to tailor every project to our client’s needs. This adaptability, amongst other things, makes ROBOX your ideal partner.

‘’Inspired engineers that apply challenging technology to the limit!’’
Who’s next?
De teamleden van ROBOX zijn uiterst betrokken bij mens en techniek. Eén van de kenmerken daarvan is dat wij u op zorgvuldige wijze ontzorgen binnen het volledige engineerings- en productieproces. Gedreven om te verbeteren waar mogelijk, bedenken we samen de best denkbare innovatieve oplossingen. Who's next?